This patch list features the preset name, category and a brief description of the sound. We've added a few notes in italics where appropriate. Click the preset names for cued up demos in a new tab. (Sounds 65 - 150 in this list are the "extras" that come with Volume III. While some of these sounds do have demos, most do not)



- Lead -
Trumpet Tutti works best as a staccato brass section stab. Aftertouch produces vibrato while the MW opens the filter a bit. We made 2 demonstrations for this patch. You can check out the "live" demo here.
- Seq -
This is a simple sequence featuring synth bass & noise snare. The MW is opening the filter as well as increasing the level of Osc 2, which is slightly detuned.
- Lead -
Hard electric piano lead. Velocity is modulating the resonance while the WM adds some slow vibrato.
- Arp -
Dark aggressive arpeggio that uses oscillator sync and some sample and hold modulation to shift osc 2's pitch. The MW opens the filter while aftertouch is not assigned. 
- Classic -
Thick lead or bass.
The video demonstration for this patch suffers from audio artifacts caused by the video compression. The source audio for this patch is clean and sounds great. You can download the source audio here.
- Sound FX -
Random, per note synth stabs. The MW opens the filter while aftertouch is not assigned.
- Lead -
Electric guitar with a slightly delayed interval. The MW is adding some osc 2 vibrato while aftertouch is adding some osc 1 vibrato and osc 1/2 shape mod. Try an amp sim plug on this one.
- Arp -
Use both the MW and Aftertouch for ultimate girth.
- Duo -
Duo mode pwm string sound.
- Seq -
Thin drum seq that reacts to both the WM and Aftertouch.
- Seq -
Heavy synth sequence with MW triggered resonance modulation.
- Sound FX -
What the name says but this sound is meant to used as percussion.
- Sound FX -
Classic helicopter with speed on the MW and accents with Aftertouch.
- Sound FX -
Large Jet Engines. At idle and then revving up, sustaining and falling back down. The MW adds a nice over modulated "breaking up" distortion to the sound. Try playing this sound with staccato stabs.
- Seq -
Very simple duo sequence. Try this one through some big reverb with a 100% wet mix.
- Arp -
Duo mode arpeggio with oscillator 2 in drone mode. Start with the key of C Maj.
- Arp -
Duo mode arpeggio with oscillator 2 on the hi notes. The MW adds lots of random per note changes.
- Arp -
Simple arpeggio with variable attack time (MW) and variable detuned 2nd osc mix level. (Aftertouch)
- Percussion -
2 piece acoustic drum kit that offers both a kick drum and a snare drum. Use the octave buttons to access higher snare drums or lower kick drums.
- Duo -
Duo pad with lots of movement. The MW increases the existing modulation.
- Seq -
Heavy metal bass sequence in a 24 step sequence.
- Lead -
Very noisey, tuning challenged square lead.
- Arp -
Smooth classic tone with the MW adding some heavy modulation.
- Seq -
Electronic percussion sequence that reacts to both the WM and aftertouch.
- Lead -
Thick, bright lead with a soft attack.
- Percussion -
Electronic hats open and closed. This sound also works great as a asnare in the lower octaves. MW opens the hat.
- Percussion -
Another acoustic kick drum. Try the MW for more of a noisy electronic tone. Use the octave buttons to check out the lowest octaves.
- Percussion -
Dynamic ride or crash cymbal depending on the MW.
- Lead -
Soft-ish lead with a slow detuning of oscillator 2. Aftertouch is on vibrato while the MW boosts the filter cutoff.
- Bass -
Classic, funky resonant bass with great filter dynamics. The MW introduces the sub osc for an even lower layer.
- Seq -
Bright and tight synth sequence with aftertouch boosting the arp gate length enough to produce glide betweenthe steps. The MW adds some fats vibrato and pwm.
- Seq -
Synth bass sequence with massive square waves. The MW tweak the filter.
- Lead -
Very dynamic synth plucks. Try the lowest octaves using the octave buttons.
- Lead -
Bright synth lead with a smooth tone.
- Lead -
Dual triangles produce this synth lead. The MW adds a pleasing detune tone.
- Seq -
Bouncy synth bass sequence that reacts to both the MW and aftertouch.
- Seq -
Sweet synth strings like sequence. Try turning on the "mod only" button in the preset edit/sequencer muenu. This will stop the sequencer notes from playing and let you play the sound as a mono string sound.
- Drone -
Both Envelopes have latch turned on. Dark drone that uses the maximum attack and release times for a very slow (looping) filter envelope sweep.
- Seq -
We love trying to recreate live acoustic break beats on this synth. This one hits hard on the 1. It's a bit morse code like on the cymbals. The MW adds a satisfying scratchy quality.
- Bass -
Thick, dynamic, legato synth bass. The MW opens the filter for a brighter dynamic foundation. Aftertouch adds some heavy modulation.
- Seq -
Kind of a silly sequence but the tone gets pretty mean when using both the MW and aftertouch.
- Lead -
Very simple 1 oscillator legato lead with a synth flute like tone. The modwheel boosts the resonance for a funkier experience. Aftetouch is adding some vibrato and filter mod. Check out the live demo here.
- Percussion -
Hard synthetic hand claps. There's a double hit in the attack which can be tighted up with the MW. Also sounds like a good smack in some octaves.
- Lead -
Beautifully smooth resonant lead. Aftertouch introduces a severely detuned oscillator 2 while the MW increases the portamento or glide time for dramatic jumps to higher or lower notes.
- Lead -
Noisy retro sci-fi lead. Aftertouch increases the noise lfo modulation of oscillator 2 adding a scratchy, noisier texture. The MW is adding vibrato and pwm.
- Lead -
Dark, slowly sweeping lead. We've got the oscillator 1/2 levels pinned in this one and it almost growls in the lower octaves. Try changing the filter slope for a brighter sound.
- Lead -
Funky resonant legato lead with a slightly delayed filter attack sweep. Aftertouch is increasing the filter cutoff while the MW is adding some oscillator 2 vibrato.
- Lead -
Dynamic resonant lead or bass sound. Aftertouch is adding some vibrato and filter cutoff mod. The MW is simply opening the filter a bit.
- Bass -
Very warm and very massive synth bass with a pronounced pop in the attack. Aftertouch adds a nasty growl while the MW is adding some oscillator 2 vibrato.
- Arp -
Plucky, velocity sensitive apeggio. Velocity is modulating the filter envelope some great dynamics. The MW is detuning osc 2 and changing the shape of oscillator 1 via the filter envelope. Aftertouch is opening the filter and boosting the resonance.
- Seq -
Just a simple, 1 note, synth bass sequence. The MW opens the filter while aftertouch is adding some random detuning and shape mod to both oscillators.

52. Nice Response
- Classic -
Velocity is controlling the envelope times for a very dynamic response. The MW is adding some osc 2 vibrato while aftertouch is opening the filter a bit and shifting osc 1/2 shapes.
- Bass -
Velocity is modulating the lfo 2 depth for some dynamic filter & Osc shape mod. The MW opens the filter while aftertouch is adding a nice wobble to the filter and osc 1/2 shape.
- Seq -
Synth bass sequence with variable ratchet count via the MW. Aftertouch is detuning osc 2 and modulating osc 1/2 shape via the filter envelope.
- Lead -
Dynamic electric guitar sound that's great for leads or picking some rhythm fun. The MW is adding some osc 2 vibrato.
- Seq -
This is a simple 24 step synth bass sequence. The MW is increasing the amp env release time while aftertouch is opening the filter and introducing osc 2 which is quite detuned.
- Seq -
This is another synth bass sequence. The MW is increasing the arp gate length while aftertouch is controlling both lfos. Lfo 1 is pointed at osc 2 pitch, filter cutoff, osc 2 shape and resonance. Lfo 1 is using the noise lfo while lfo 2 is set to constant on.
- Lead -
Simple legato lead with a subtle pluck in the attack. The MW is increasing the filter cutoff while aftertouch is not assigned.
- Seq -
Bright synth bass sequence with the MW engaging lfo 1 for some sweeping filter mod. Aftertouch is detuning osc 2 and modulating osc 1/2 shape via the filter envelope.
- Seq -
This sound is an aggressive synth bass sequence. The MW is opening the filter and increasing the arp gate length which engages the legato glide at 100%. Aftertouch is adding a harsh, metallic scraping tone on top using lfo 2's hi-range mode.
- Sound FX -
Noisy, disonant lfo action. This sound could be used for an alarm sound fx or for disonant melodies. The MW is opening the filter and increasing lfo 2's rate to full audio frequencies.
- Classic -
This sound uses both lfos to create a simple rhythmic sequence. The MW is simply closing the filter a bit.
- Seq -
Sub bass sequence with a generous glide time for a smooth ride. The MW decreases the glide time for more of a stepped melody. Aftertouch adds some nice wobbles via lfo 2.
- Lead -
Oscillator sync lead using saw waves. This one has a few tricks up it's sleeve though. The MW introduces a simple octave sequence while aftertouch adds a pulsing triplet accent.

(We're still working on this bit of the list)

65. Swingington
- Seq -
Simple synth sequence with a little swing to it's steps. Osc 2 is tuned to a perfect 5th. The MW changes the sequence pattern up by pushing the osc wave shapes into the "through zero" zone.
- Arp -
This sound starts off with a soft attack and a beautifully dark tone. Aftertouch pushes some random Osc 2 detuning, filter cutoff mod and Osc 1 shape mod. The WM is opening the filter and increasing the arp gate length quite a bit.
- Seq -
32 step drum sequence with a very heavy foot. Use the octave buttons to get down to the lowest octaves for this one. It's filthy and how it was designed. The MW opens the filter for even more noise.

68. Tightness
- Seq -
Synth bass sequence with variable gate length via the MW. Aftertouch is pointed at Osc 2 pitch, filter cutoff, Osc 1 shape and resonance which produces a scratchy resonant tone.

69. Intrepid
- Seq -

70. RetriggerRetrigger
- Bass -
- Bass -

72. In the Weeds
- Bass -
- Seq -
- Classic -
- Lead -
- Classic -

77. The Furries
- Classic -

78. Clear Bells
- Lead -

79. Humungous
- Seq -

80. 3 Voice Modular
- Lead -

81. Organ Lead
- Lead -

82. 5 Below Ld
- Lead -

83. 5 Semi Perfect
- Lead -

84. Back Bone
- Lead -
- Lead -

86. Reedy Lead
- Lead -

87. Reznant Ld
- Lead -

88. Silky Moog
- Lead -
- Duo -

90. Clicky Sticky
- Lead -

91. Tart Arp
- Arp -
- Lead -

93. Don't Pick It 2
- Lead -

94. Dual and Square
- Lead -
- Lead -

96. Early Singer
- Lead -

97. Faded Forth
- Lead -

98. Flute Tone
- Lead -

99. Funk on the Rez
- Lead -

100. Funky Bells
- Lead -

101. Glossy Ld
- Lead -

102. Tricky Bells
- Lead -

103. Gtr Pick Again
- Lead -

104. High Sync Ld
- Lead -

105. Maj or Min Pluck
- Classic -

106. Ice Mod 2
- Lead -

107. Major Interval
- Lead -

108. Clarin Ette
- Lead -

109. Nu Ld A
- Lead -

110. Nu Ld B
- Lead -

111. Nu Ld C
- Lead -

112. Octaves Apart
- Lead -

113. On the Juice
- Lead -

114. Whistle
- Percussion -

115. TR Congas
- Percussion -

116. TR Kick Tite
- Percussion -
- Percussion -

118. It's a Snap
- Percussion -
- Percussion -
- Percussion -

121. Beautiful Data
- Seq -

122. Bellcym Beat
- Seq -
- Seq -
- Seq -

125. Duo Pride
- Seq -
- Seq -

127. Seq Modder
- Seq -

128. SnH Free for All
- Seq -

129. Kid Preset
- Seq -
- Seq -
- Seq -

132. 3 Tonne Synth
- Seq -

133. RandomSyncies
- Seq -
- Seq -

135. Bass Tone
- Bass -

136. The Counter
- Seq -
- Seq -
- Seq -

139. Chirpin
- Seq -
- Bass -
- Bass -
- Seq -

143. Undercover
- Seq -

144. Velo City
- Seq -

145. Dark 12 Ld
- Lead -
- Sound FX
- Sound FX

148. Mixelpix
- Sound FX -
- Sound FX -

150. The Companion
- Sound FX -