Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your Privacy Policy?
We only collect the information you choose to give us, and we process it with your consent. We only require the minimum amount of information that is necessary to fulfill the purpose of your interaction with us; we don't sell it to third parties; and we only use it as this policy statement describes. We comply with the Privacy Shield Framework and we are compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). No matter where you live, or what your citizenship is, we provide the same standard of privacy protection to all our customers around the world, regardless of origin or location.
Q: Do you accept returns?
Downloadable software products cannot be returned or exchanged. Sorry. 
Q: I just made a purchase from your store but I haven't received my download link?
Since we opened our doors (Dec, 2018) this has happened exactly 3 times. Each time the email with the download links was found in the spam folder. Please check your spam folder. If you still can't find the email, contact us immediately and we'll get you sorted fast!
Q: How do I load the patches I just purchased?
Please refer to the pdf file included with your purchase.
Q: How were the demonstrations recorded?
We like to keep things simple when it comes to capturing the demo performances. The synth in question is connected to the Audient ASP-880. (Our Best Preamp) From there the signal is piped (optical) to the RME Raydat. Finally, everything is recorded into Nuendo at 24bit/48khz.
Q: Do your Prologue patches work with the Minilogue XD?
No, the Prologue patches are not compatible with the Minilogue XD.
Q: How do I load the Prologue patches I just purchased without erasing the factory patches.
The factory patches can be recovered at any time by performing a factory reset. So no need to worry about that at all. Organizing your patches so they load into the locations you want is easy. Follow the directions below.
Load the Robust American Patches bank file into the Prologue librarian (File Menu "open") and then select all the patches you just loaded (Shift+Click) and drag them to the bottom pane of the preset list without releasing the mouse button. You should see the librarian preset list start to scroll downward. Keep going until you reach the preset location you want. Release the mouse button. (It's a little weird how the librarian places things when you drag and drop. You'll get the hang of it.) Once you have them where you want them in the librarian, select all the Robust American Patches and use the "SEND" button in the top panel. This will send only the selected patches to the hardware. That's it. You may want to save the newly organized patches as a new library data file (Bank) for easier loading. Once you have the patches organized exactly how you want, use the "save as" command in the file menu.