
This page contains unsolicited, unedited quotes from various social media sites. Clicking the author's name will open the page containing the original quote. Sincere thanks to all the synth enthusiasts below who took time out of their busy schedules to speak out about our work!





"I don’t generally buy presets, but I liked some of these so much that I will be purchasing. Some of that might be due to your presentation, but some no doubt is due to your excellent ear for sound design, and tastes that align with my own. Really nice work."





"Awesome patches! I have produced about 100 patches myself and these have very little overlap, so I can learn as well as use your patches directly. I purchased one other set of 100 patches from a 'not-to-be-named' patch-meister, and really got a couple useful patches, no notes, and didn't really learn much. The R.A.P. patches are diverse and make very creative use of the full range of OB-6 capabilities....hats off to you"





"Went through these patches last night. I was primarily looking for synth & keys inspiration / timbres. This set is loaded with them, along with other great patches. Most everything had aftertouch, good velocity settings, reasonable pitch bend, etc... lot of attention to detail in these patches. I found that by converting a couple of your 'Lead' patches to Poly mode, and dinking with a handful of settings - they became outstanding Poly/Synth patches. Nice. Anyway - gauging the set by the number of keepers I'll be using -- I would give these a solid A+. Very well done, Randy - thanks!"
by JDoo





"Very enjoyable music auditioning your soundset, Randy. Congratz! I have to admit, I almost returned my Rev2, a few times. It's a grower, and a keeper.





"These new patches sound great btw. If the OB-6 wasn’t so ridiculously easy to program I might even buy them."





"Wow, impressive, those sounds seem very useful!"





"Just gave these an immensely enjoyable listen and they are VERY creative, unique, evocative and musical! They sound like a lot of fun to play as well. You’ve really stretched out the OB’s sonic capabilities nicely."





"Nice, defiantly buying them patches. Always more tools to the arsenal."





"Wow. Thanks for these. Makes me want a REV2. I can’t imagine listening to those those and thinking, “oh man, those Curtis filters sound so horrible.” They seem great to me."





"I meanwhile have bought the soundset and can confirm it's well worth the price! Thanks for many nice sounds! There is bit much of drowning some of the sounds in quite long decay/release tails, plus a lot of very wet effect settings, but it's easy to edit that to any one's liking."





Some really nice and usable patches in there! I particularly like Translucent and some of the strings. Thank you for the forum discount 👍🏻. What are your plans for Vol.2?





The more I learn the Rev2, the better it gets. It helps a lot too with dedicated synth dudes like Razmo, Robust American, and GeoSynth producing great original patches."




