Welcome to Chorale Waves for the complete family of Korg Wavestate synths. This collection focuses on the choir and voice multisamples that are part of Korg's excellent factory sample content. (This release does not include a custom sample bank) Each of the 32 performances & 74 programs included in Chorale Waves makes use of the choir or voice multisamples in one way or another. One of the choir pad performances, "21 Choirs", offers nearly every choir multisample available with a quick twist of the sample performance mod knob. "Many Choirs" offers a 2 layer performance that uses key tracking to select a different multisample for each note played...Choir chords have never sounded so full and complex. In addition to the pads, there are also arpeggios, poly synths, poly synth wave sequences, keys and a few auto chord performances.
1. "21 Choirs" - Choir Pad - 2 Layers
If you need a choir pad, "21 Choirs" has you covered. This performance uses 2 layers and offers 21 different choir multisamples that are Individually selectable via the sample mod knobs or collectively selectable via the perf sample mod knob. The master mod knobs => filter cutoff, shape mod knobs => attack times, gate mod knobs => release times, sample mod knobs => multisample selection. The speed perf mod knob is assigned to the pitch env decay times. The pitch envelope is adding a 50 cent pitch ramp in the attacks of both layers in opposite directions to simulate the choirs gliding to the pitch. The MW is adding vibrato while aftertouch is opening the filters.
2. "3rd Power" - Pad - 3 Layers
Synth pad with a delayed and animated shimmer from layer A. Layer B is providing the choir pad and layer C is more of a synth pad tone. The MW adds vibrato while aftertouch opens the filter a bit and produces a subtle volume swell. The mod knobs are not assigned.
3. "Art of Aahs" - Poly Synth - 1 Layer
Single layer poly synth that defaults to a fast attack and fast release. The shape mod knob changes both the filter and amp envelope times. The sample mod knob selects between 4 different choir multisamples. The MW adds vibrato and aftertouch increases the filter LFO depth to produce an 8th note pulse.
4. "Blooming Aahs" - Pad - 2 Layers
This simple performance starts with the "Vox: Choir Aah" multisample and ends with the "Vox: Tape Choir" multisample. A slow crossfade between steps introduces the higher overtones and movement of the "Tape Choir" samples. The shape lane is controlling the pitch lane and slowly detunes the 2 layers in opposite directions. The MW is adding vibrato while aftertouch closes the filters, boosts the resonance and slightly detunes the 2 layers.
5. "Brute Forces" - Poly Synth - 2 Layers
Layer A is a poly synth wave sequence that uses the pitch envelope to modulate the timing lane speed parameter. Layer B is a simple, slightly delayed choir pad that slowly fades up under layer A. The MW is on vibrato duties while aftertouch is boosting the layer A timing lane speed as well as producing a subtle volume swell.
6. "Chinchillas" - Arpeggio/Synth Pad Stack - 3 Layers
Layers A and B are using the random arpeggiator mode with layer A built on vocal/choir samples and layer B using mostly strings and synth samples. Layer C is a synth pad that uses poly unison 2 voice mode. Use the layer C sample mod knob to select a different multisample for the pad. The MW is adding vibrato and aftertouch is boosting the A & B shape offsets and opening the filter pad filter a bit.
7. "Dynamic PolyVox" - Poly Synth - 2 Layers
Dynamic PolyVox uses the male and female choir whisper samples in a stereo configuration. Exponential velocity is modulating the filter cutoff, resonance and the envelope release times. Use the gate performance knob to add a stereo rhythmic filter pulse. The MW is adding vibrato while aftertouch is pointed at filter cutoff, resonance and pitch tune for a subtle detuning effect.
8. "Extra Fluffy" - Synth Pad - 2 Layers
This performance is a fluffy, noisy synth pad. The "Syn: Stereo Spectrum" and the "Vox: Choir Whisper" multisamples both add to the airy/breathy tone. The MW is adding vibrato while aftertouch is opening the filters and boosting the layer B pan LFO rate.
9. "Resonant Bands" - Arpeggio/Pad Stack - 2 Layers
Layer A arpeggiates 9 different formant samples with note advance and random order turned on. Layer B is a simple choir pad with 3 multisamples that are selectable via the sample mod knob. The MW adds vibrato while aftertouch is boosting the layer a shape offsets. (The demo for this performance still has the working title..."Formantz" Sorry about that)
10. "Harold's Piano" - Keys Piano/Pad Stack - 3 Layers
This performance is just a soft piano/choir stack with a generous amount of reverb. The speed performance knob controls the reverb mix and the layer A sample knob selects between 7 different choir multisamples. Turn off layers A and C for an ambient, even softer piano tone.
11. "In Aah" - Synth Pad - 2 Layers
Stereo choir pad that has both layers constantly panning. The step seq mod knobs control the random4 continuous pan LFO depth. Each layer offers 3 sets of 2 multisamples via the sample mod knobs. The MW is adding some vibrato while aftertouch is opening the filters and producing a volume swell.
12. "Glitterati" - Poly Synth - 2 Layers
Staccato notes work best with this performance as layer A is set to trigger when you release a key. Use the layer A timing mod knob to change the rate of the wave sequence. (You can hear this in the demonstration for this sound) The MW is adding vibrato and aftertouch is not assigned.
13. "Many Choirs" - Synth Pad - 2 Layers
The programs in this performance use amp key tracking to select a different multisample for each note played. This results in chords where nearly every note triggers a different choir sample. The MW adds vibrato and increases the vibrato rate a bit.
14. "Metallic Singers" - Synth Pad - 2 Layers
Layer A in this performance has a metallic character in the attack that crossfades into a turbulent, noisy pad. This mixes nicely with the choir samples from layer B that slowly fade up. The MW adds vibrato to layer A only. Layer B has auto vibrato happening that is controlled by the pitch envelope. Aftertouch is not assigned.
15. "Orch Plucks" - Poly Synth Pluck - 3 Layers
Choir and Stradivari Pizz plucks from layers A and B with choir trails from layer C which is set to trigger upon note release. The master and timing performance mod knobs are controlling the reverb mix and size. The MW is adding vibrato and aftertouch is not assigned.
16. "Orchestral Layers" - Synth Pad - 3 Layers
This performance stacks 2 different choirs with a large string section. Each layer offers 5 different multisamples that are separately selectable via the sample mod knobs or collectively via the sample performance mod knob. The MW is adding vibrato while aftertouch is opening the layer B and C filters as well as creating a volume swell for all 3 layers.
17. "Paddish" - Synth Pad - 3 Layers
Paddish uses 3 layers, layer A is producing the bell type sound and layers B and C are both choir sounds. Layers B and C both have random panning turned on. Each layer offers 2 multisamples that are independently and collectively selectable via the sample mod knobs and the performance sample mod knob. The MW adds vibrato and increases the vibrato rate. Aftertouch is opening the filters a bit.
18. "Pealing Voices" - Synth Pad - 3 Layers
Stereo choirs and clangorous bells make up this performance. Layer A is producing the clang while layers B and C are doing the stereo choirs with 5 multisamples each to select from. The MW is adding vibrato while aftertouch is increasing the pan LFO rate, pitch LFO rates and detuning the choirs in opposite directions.
19. "Plucka Vox" - Poly Synth - 3 Layers
Layers A and B are producing plucky synth choir tones and panned hard left/right. Layer C is adding a clicky tone to the attack. The performance works great for staccato melodies and chords as well as sustained playing. The MW adds vibrato while aftertouch is not assigned.
20. "Plucked Voices" - Arpeggio - 1 Layer
Just a simple arpeggio built with 16 different choir & voice samples. Note advance is turned on and random order can be turned on/off via the gate mod knob. The MW is adding vibrato and increasing the pan LFO depth for some random panning action. Aftertouch is increasing the amp envelope decay.
21. "Reso Syn Arps" - Bass Seq/Arpeggio/Pad Split - 3 Layers
Layer A (left hand) is a bass wave sequence and layers B and C (right hand) are a stacked choir pad and synth arpeggio. The MW is adding vibrato while aftertouch is pointed at filter cutoff, shape offset and amp envelope decay.
22. "Rhythmicals" - Poly Synth - 1 Layer
Rhythmicals is a simple 1 layer performance that uses the timing lane to create 4 different rhythmic patterns that are selectable via the timing mod knob. The notch filter's envelope is being triggered by the wave sequence step pulse. The MW is adding some vibrato while aftertouch is boosting the shape lane step offsets.
23. "Rhythmivox" - Poly Synth - 2 Layers
This performance is using 2 layers of simple wave sequences. Layer A is using 4 detuned synth multisamples and layer B is using 8 choir multisamples. The timing of both layers can be changed simultaneously using the timing perf mod knob. The MW is boosting the shape lane step offsets while aftertouch is producing vibrato.
24. "Rotation of Voices" - Arpeggio/Pad Stack - 2 Layers
Layer A is an 1/8 note arpeggio that uses 4 choir multisamples to randomly cycle through. Layer B is a synth pad that uses ensemble and detuned multisamples as well as poly unison 2 voice mode. The MW is adding vibrato and increasing the layer B vibrato rate. Aftertouch is not assigned.
25. "Shaped Dynamix" - Poly Synth - 2 Layers
2 layers of simple wave sequences that produce a rhythm with sustained notes. Layer A offers 2 rhythmic patterns that are selectable via the shape mod knob. The MW is adding vibrato and aftertouch is boosting the shape lane step offsets. Use the shape mod knobs of each layer to select a different rhythm or feel.
26. "Stacked Arpeggios" - Arpeggio - 2 Layers
Layers A and B are both using the arpeggiator. Layer A is set to 1/16 note resolution and layer B is set to 1/4 notes. You can use the performance speed mod knob to change the layer B arp resolution. The MW is adding vibrato and aftertouch is boosting the shape offsets, the filter LFO offset and envelope release times.
27. "Synthetic Chorale" - Synth Pad - 3 Layers
This performance is a rather large choir pad that uses the Vocoder VP, Tape Boys Choir and the Choir Aah Oct multisamples stacked. Layers A and B are panned slightly left and right while layer C is in the middle. The shape perf mod knob controls the attack, the gate perf mod knob controls the release and the master perf mod knob is controlling the filter cutoff of all 3 layers simultaneously. The MW is adding vibrato while aftertouch is detuning layers A and B.
28. "The Majors" - Lead Wave Seq - 4 Layers
Layers B, C and D are used to create a 3 voice chord while layer A is using various chord samples. Use the layers C and D pitch mod knobs to change the 2nd and 3rd. The MW is adding some vibrato and aftertouch is increasing the shape lane step offsets.
29. "Vocal Chords" - Lead - 3 Layers
This mono legato performance can be used as a lead or a chord stab. The pitch of layers B and C can be changed via their pitch mod knobs. The speed mod knobs are assigned to portamento time. The shape and gate mod knobs control the attack and release. The MW is adding vibrato while aftertouch is increasing the filter LFO rates.
30. "VoiceChiff" - Synth Seq/Pad Stack - 3 Layers
Layer A uses 9 choir samples and 7 flute samples in a random order wave sequence. Layers B and C are configured as a stereo synth pad with 3 multisamples each that are selectable via the sample mod knobs. The MW is boosting the layer A shape step offset as well as the filter cutoff and filter trim for layers B and C.
31. "Vox Keys" - Synth Pluck/Keys - 3 Layers
This performance is a soft choir/keys stack with a long-ish release. It works great for melodies and chords. Layer C consists of keys, bells and a few vox samples that are triggered randomly with each note played. The MW is adding vibrato while aftertouch is not assigned.
32. "Vox Softly" - Synth Seq/Arpeggio Stack - 2 Layers
Vox Softly is a soft arpeggio on layer A and a simple choir based wave sequence on layer B. The arpeggio uses 5 multisamples with note advance and random order both turned on. You can use the sample & step sequence mod knobs to control the sample lane start and end steps. The layer B wave sequence steps between 2 multisamples at a time and you can use the sample mod knob to select 1 of 4 pairs of multisamples. The MW is adding some layer A vibrato while aftertouch is opening the filter, increasing the amp release time and boosting the shape offsets.